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Jonathon Milne

合伙人兼开曼群岛办事处诉讼及重组部联席主管 Partner, Co-Head of Cayman Islands Litigation & Restructuring


Legal 500 Caribbean 2024 Next Generation

Jonathon Milne 为本所开曼群岛办事处诉讼及重组部合伙人兼联席主管。他于复杂诉讼、破产及重组项目方面有广泛经验。

他为国际破产从业员协会的资深会员,曾入选《全球重组评论》明日之星名单,该名单入选者自全球各地物色。于 2022 年,他名列国际破产从业员协会四十周年志庆四十大最值得关注的律师之一。

他以诉讼、重组和破产项目的出色表现,于主要的法律名录中获高度评价和推荐。例如,《法律 500 强》的独立评论称其为“杰出的律师,具备高超的分析和写作技能,并对商法问题有深入的知识和理解”,而《钱伯斯全球指南》的独立评论则称其为“出类拔萃的诉讼律师,在开曼群岛重组和破产方面具丰富经验”,是“優秀的沟通者”,他“极其专业,有精湛技术能力”,“值得信賴”。

他是一位热情与才華洋溢的法庭辩护律师,拥有英国较高级法院出庭发言权 ,并于牛津大学接受高级訟辩培训。开曼群岛法院最近一份公開判決更稱贊他“展示一流的书面和口头訟辩技巧”。

Experience Highlights

  • Acting and appearing for officeholders and companies in relation to various cross-border restructuring matters (see, for example, Cineworld, Tailored BrandsDexin, Atlas Financial HoldingsSilver BaseGTI Holdings, Sun Cheong, China Bozza, Differ Auto, Golden Wheel and CAA Resources)
  • Advising in relation to complex and high-profile shareholder disputes (see, for example, Virginia Solution SPC Ltd and Seahawk)
  • Appearing as lead advocate on behalf a multi-national solar energy company (formerly listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange) in successfully discharging a Mareva injunction and removing receivers, and striking out a creditor’s winding up petition (see Hudson Capital Solar Infrastructure v Sky Solar Holdings Ltd and Re Sky Solar Holdings Ltd)
  • Appearing on behalf of officeholders, directors, managers, companies and creditors in relation to all manner of contested proceedings (see, for example, RBH Holdings, Spectra, Ayers Alliance, LinkSure, Stanford International, Barents Re, Avivo Group, BB Shares, Apollomics, Touradji Private EquityMatrix IncChina Resources and Transportation Group Ltd.Grafton Resources, TCA Global and Guoan International Ltd)
  • Advising the liquidators of a large Madoff feeder fund in relation to a US$2 billion claim against former service providers to the fund, including briefing expert and factual witnesses, managing electronic discovery, drafting submissions, appearing at a four month first instance trial and a 10 day appeal dealing with issues of limitation, reflective loss, causation and contributory negligence (see Primeo v Bank of Bermuda)
  • Acting for a major Nigerian retail bank in relation to successful fraud and tracing claims against a former CEO and founder of the bank, culminating in a £700 million damages award, including appearing at a two month long trial held between Lagos and London (see Access Bank plc v Akingbola)
  • Engaged as an expert on Cayman Islands law before various foreign tribunals

Professional Background

  • Mourant (Cayman)
  • Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner (London)
  • Philip Lee (Dublin)
  • Russell McVeagh (Auckland)


  • Global Insolvency Practice Course, INSOL Fellow
  • South Eastern Circuit advanced advocacy programme at Oxford University
  • College of Law (New Zealand) advanced litigation skills programme
  • Victoria University of Wellington – conjoint LLB and BA (majoring in criminology and political science)
  • Awarded a Russell McVeagh scholarship for the study of law

Bar Admissions

  • Cayman Islands, Attorney-at-Law
  • England and Wales, Higher Rights of Audience
  • Ireland, Solicitor (not currently practising)
  • New South Wales, Australia, Barrister and Solicitor (not currently practising)
  • New Zealand, Barrister and Solicitor (not currently practising)


  • 荣列《法律 500 强》加勒比海地区 2023 年版“新世代合伙人”(自 2020 年起入选该名录)(争议解决)
  • 入选《钱伯斯全球指南》2022 年及 2023 年版“崭露头角”律师名单(争议解决)


  • Cayman Islands Law Practitioners Association, INSOL International, RISA, American Brankruptcy Institute