Jarladth Travers profile photo

Jarladth Travers

Head of Conyers FIG (Cayman) Limited

Jarladth Travers is Head of Conyers FIG (Cayman) Limited. Jarladth joined Conyers in October 2018. He specialises in providing directorship and administrative services to Cayman Islands vehicles participating in the investment funds, insurance and structured finance industries.

Jarladth has extensive experience in providing directorship services to a wide range of Investment Funds, Insurance, and Reinsurance and Structured Finance products including asset finance, intellectual property and mineral resource holding structures, securitizations, note programmes, Islamic finance vehicles, fund finance vehicles, and CLO/ CBO / CDO’s. Jarladth also has particular expertise in understanding the Cayman Islands Regulatory environment, which includes FATCA, CRS and AML related services and associated supporting tax documentation.

Professional Background

  • Senior Vice President, MaplesFS Limited, Cayman Islands
  • Director, Swiss and Global Fund Administrators (Cayman) Ltd. (formally Julius Baer Bank & Trust (Cayman) Limited, Cayman Islands
  • Senior Fund Accountant, Butterfield Fund Services (Cayman) Ltd., Cayman Islands
  • Fund Accountant, Citco Fund Services, Ireland


  • Directors’ Education and Accreditation Program (DEAP) (Accredited Director), The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Canada, 2013
  • FCCA – Association of Chartered Certified Accountants – 2008
  • Dublin Business School, BA Accounting and Finance, 2002
  • Belvedere College S.J., Irish Government exams, 1997


  • Cayman Islands Directors Association