Erik Bodden 为本所开曼群岛办事处的诉讼及重组部合伙人暨联席主管。加入本所前,他获认许并执业为英格兰讼务律师。
他曾于大量开曼群岛第238条案件担任公司或异议方的法律代表,近期参与北京畅游时代数码技术有限公司案 ,该案目前正上诉至枢密院。
STEP Journal: Principle Progressions and Getting the Deal Through – Cayman jurisdiction analysis (November 2018)
In the matter of Qunar Cayman Islands Ltd : Cayman Islands Appraisal Actions – Moving Towards Standard Directions? , International Corporate Rescue, Vol 15 (2018) Issue 1
Contributor – Cayman Islands Law Review, 2016-2017 (various case summaries)
Contributor – Civil Litigation in the Cayman Islands, 3rd edn , 2016 (chapter on Mareva Injunctions)
Divide and Conquer: A New Chapter in the History of the Cayman Islands Judicial System , IFC Caribbean Review, 2011
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